Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Peach State International®

Kaitlyn Suzanne Reininger

People's Choice Award

1.What is 1 beauty product you cannot live without?
“You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.” These are words that have stuck with me for years. I have learned that I need to always surround myself with uplifting, supportive people to be my best self. If you are surrounding yourself with critical, negative people then in return that is the energy you will begin to put off towards others. Surrounding yourself with people who share your interests and support you, can push you to be your best self, while also increasing your mental health tremendously!

2.If you had to do over anything what would it be?
As we all share many common pet peeves such as loud chewing, or someone repeatedly clicking a pen, my biggest pet peeve would have to be lying. I personally try my best to always be open and honest with everyone, especially to people that are close to me. Therefore, I feel frustrated when I am lied to.

3.Who would you love to meet and why?
I have many ways that I stay organized. I love keeping a planner and using various highlighters to color code my schedule throughout each week. I enjoy utilizing the notes app on my phone and setting reminders on my phone to keep me on track. I also am an avid user of sticky notes! I place sticky notes in places that I know I will see them to ensure I am accomplishing all my tasks!

4.Favorite vacation?
My favorite ways to relax are cuddling up under my heated blanket with a good book to give myself a break from my phone. I also enjoy a warm bubble bath, putting on a face mask, and lighting some candles to wind down after a long day!

5.What do you normally eat for breakfast?
My dream job is to be a successful owner of a formalwear store. I found my love for formalwear when I started competing in pageants at the age of 14. Ever since then I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping up with the latest pageant and prom designs from my favorite designers. I plan to be able to dress girls in the outfit that makes them feel the most confident and beautiful!